Distinguished Alumni Award
Alumni recipients will be selected from alumni nominees for accomplishment throughout the span of a career. Any of the following criteria may be used in submitting nominations:
- Outstanding accomplishments in the profession considered to be distinctive and pioneering in nature and scope;
- Leadership in the profession through service in local, state, or national pharmacy organizations, or in organizations active in the promotion of pharmacy;
- Leadership in local, state, or national government, community civic organizations or service groups;
- Service to The University of Oklahoma through commitment of time or other resources aiding the development of the College of Pharmacy or the broader university.
Latest Recipients
2024 Carmen C. Clelland
2023 Russell B. Melchert
2022 Shannon Lowe
2021 Song Lavalais
2020 Todd W. Canada
2019 Mathew Griffin
2018 Terry Cothran
2017 Cynthia J. Boyle
2016 Robert Standridge
2015 B. Douglas Hoey
2014 Tom R. Webber
2013 Marshall Scantlin
2012 Travis Watts
2011 Mark St. Cyr
2009 Loyd V. Allen
Alumni Awards
RSVP for the OU College of Pharmacy Alumni Reception
Five alumni awards are available to be presented annually by the OU College of Pharmacy Alumni Affairs Board. The Alumni Association calls for award nominations each February and selection is made during the Spring Alumni Affairs Board meeting. The awards acknowledge those alumni who have made important contributions to the profession and who exemplify the values of the College. Anyone can submit a nomination for these awards, as long as the nominee matches the criteria. For each nominee, please include their name, graduation year, email, mailing address, and the reason behind your nomination. It is important to specify how the nominee meets the stated criteria. Submissions must be received by March 31.
Nomination(s) can be submitted:
1. Online via the Alumni Awards Nomination Form
2. Email to cassidy-roberts@ouhsc.edu
3. Fax to (405) 271-3830
4. Mail to P.O. Box 26901 Attn: CPB 104D, Oklahoma City, OK 73126
E. Blanche Sommers Alumni Award
Alumni recipients will be selected from alumni nominees who have made important contributions to the profession and community within five (5) years of graduation. The award is presented to recent graduates of The University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy in accord with the interests of Dr. E. Blanche Sommers in fostering the development of and recognizing the early achievements of potentially outstanding future practitioners.
Latest Recipients2024 Montana Rickey
2022 Jonathan Little
2021 Clark Bishop
2020 Selma Alami
2019 Chelsea K. Price
2018 Naomi Kozlowski
2017 Christian Banasky
2016 Wei Cheng Yuet
2015 David George
2013 Jamie Farley
2012 Dared Price
2011 Melissa Abbott
2011 Emily Borders
2009 Jacqueline King
2008 Joshua Sheffield
Ralph D. Bienfang Outstanding Practitioner Award
This award will be given to a pharmacist in Oklahoma who has exemplified the characteristics of Professor Ralph D. Bienfang - service orientation, sensitivity to human needs, ability to communicate verbally and in writing, ability to inspire fellow practitioners, leadership within the profession, and a broad base of interests and accomplishments within and outside of pharmacy - over a period of time. Individuals nominated could be graduates of any school or college of pharmacy.
Latest Recipients2024 Kelly A. Murray
2023 Lee Munoz
2022 Dani Lynch
2021 Jennifer Thackray
2020 Gene A. Lafitte
2019 Kevin R. Rich
2018 Lonny Wilson
2017 Patricia McAlester Witt
2016 Bill Osborn
2015 Nancy Kay LaPorte
2014 Nancy Nesser
2013 Laura Petty
2012 E. Scott Henley
2011 Mary Kay Vaughan
2009 Tommy Bishop
Outstanding Young Alumni Award
Alumni recipients are to be selected from alumni nominees who have made important contributions to the profession of pharmacy within ten (10) years of graduation.
Latest Recipients2024 Mary Rose Shreffler
2023 Bled Tanoe
2022 Ardath Plauche
2020 James M. Haley
2019 Rebecca Nahleen Lopez
2018 Leigh Ann (Anderson) Peek
2017 Thomas Ross Clark
2015 Mai Phillips
2014 Bethany Holderread
2013 Jack Drakeford
2012 Rebecca (Becky) Schmidt
2011 Rahi M. Bigdely
2009 Joshua Sheffield
Special Service Citation
This citation is given only on rare occasion to recognize an individual who has made extraordinary contributions of exceptional quality to the College of Pharmacy or to the pharmacy profession and leading to events widely recognized as seminal and of such merit as to warrant special honor and recognition.
Latest Recipients2024 R. Chris Rathbun
2023 JoLaine Draugalis
2021 James R. Allen
2019 Troy A. Simons
2018 Sandy Warner
2017 Robin V. Thomas
2016 Shellie Keast
2012 Marguerite Jones Lane
2011 Shauna Peterson
2008 Jack Munn
2008 Vincent Dennis
2006 Thomas Kupiec