1. Role: Director. Scope: College. Description: Direct experiential curriculum for 300 IPPE and 1440 APPE hours/student. Key activities include scheduling, site onboarding, standard exams, site visits, supervision of experiential coordinators, and management of student issues. My 2023 activities also include Epic access and training for students at OU Health and management of challenging ADRC accommodations. Date: 2020.
Susan E. Conway, Pharm.D.
Professor and Director of Experiential Education
Pharmacy Clinical & Admin Sci
Phone (405) 271-6878 x47268
Alt Phone (405) 815-8875 (Clinic Phone)
Fax (405) 271-6430
Office CPB 135
Email susan-conway@ouhsc.edu
Specialties: Ambulatory care, Anticoagulation
Clinical Practices: Development of services and outcomes research for anticoagulation and other disease state management clinics.
Publications & Presentations
- 11. Conway S E. Fatal bleeding associated with management of excessive anticoagulation due to dabigatran: Response. Am J Health-Syst Ph. 2014; 71 : 360
12. Harrison D, Schaeffer S, Conway S E. Reply to comments to "Evaluation of dabigatran exposures reported to poison centers". Ann Pharmacother. 2014; 48 : 668-665
13. Medina M, Conway S E, Davis T S, Webb R. The Impact of Problem-Solving Feedback on Team-Based Learning Case Responses. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2013; 77 : 189
14. Schaeffer S, Conway S E. Fatal bleeding associated with management of excessive anticoagulation due to dabigatran. Am J Health-Syst Ph. 2013; 70 : 1651-1652
15. Conway S E, Johnson E J, Hagemann T M. Introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences within campus-based influenza vaccination clinics. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013; 77 : Article 61
no results
Awards and Honors
- 6. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Award of Excellence in Scholarship in Experiential Education. Date: 2014.
7. American Pharmacists Association. Honorable Mention recipient of APhA Immunization Champion Award-Community Outreach. Date: 2013.
8. National Influenza Vaccine Summit. Honorable Mention recipient of NIVS Healthcare personnel campaign award. Date: 2013.
9. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. ASHP Fellow. Date: 2010.
- 1. Degree: Specialty Residency in Primary Care. Methodist Healthcare - Central Hospital. Date: 1999.
2. Degree: PharmD. University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy. Date: 1998.
3. Degree: B. Pharm. University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy. Date: 1997.
4. Degree: . Oklahoma State University. Date: 1994.
Administrative Assignments
External Connections and Partnerships
- 1. Type: Funding. Org: INTEGRIS Health. City: Oklahoma City. State: OK. Co-funded position with OU College of Pharmacy to provide 12 hours/week of clinical pharmacy services for the INTEGRIS Comprehensive Medication Management service. Date: 2023.