Randle Gallucci, Ph.D.

Professor/Director of Graduate Programs

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Phone (405) 271-6593 x47188

Fax (405) 271-7505

Office CPB 333

Email randy-gallucci@ouhsc.edu


The research in my laboratory primarily focuses on the positive and negative roles that inflammatory cytokines play during the repair or restoration of injured tissues. I am currently investigating these effects in both skin and liver utilizing both in vivo and in vitro models. The purpose of these studies is two-fold: 1) to elucidate the mechanism of, and identify factors involved in, the transcriptional or post-transcriptional regulation of genes modulated by various pro-inflammatory cytokines, and 2) to determine if any of these pro-inflammatory mediators may be useful therapeutically. To investigate the former, we have employed a variety of techniques including, Luminex Multiplex assay, flow cytometry, and RNAseq. Therapeutic studies have involved the reconstitution of wound healing in models of chronic wounds such diabetic and specific gene knockout mice.

Publications & Presentations

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    6. Frempah B, Luckett-Chastain L R, Gallucci R. IL-6 Negatively Regulates IL-22Rα Expression on Epidermal Keratinocytes: Implications for Irritant Contact Dermatitis. Journal of Immunological Research/Hindawi. 2019 : 9

    7. Frempah B, Luckett-Chastain L R, Gallucci R. IL6Rα function in myeloid cells modulates the inflammatory response during irritant contact dermatitis. Experimental Dermatology/John Wiley & Sons. 2019; 28 : 948-955

    8. Frempah B, Luckett-Chastain L R, Calhoun K N, Gallucci R. Keratinocyte-specific deletion of the IL-6RΑ exacerbates the inflammatory response during irritant contact dermatitis. Toxicology/Elsevier. 2019; 423 : 123-131

    9. Lee E G, Luckett-Chastain l R, Calhoun K, Frempah B, Bastian A, Gallucci R. Interleukin 6 function in skin and isolated keratinocytes is modulated by hyperglycemia. Journal of Immunology Research/Hindawi. 2019

    10. Ojeda A S, Ford S D, Gallucci R, Ihnat M, Philp R P. Geochemical characterization and renal cell toxicity of water-soluble extracts from U.S. Gulf Coast lignite. Environ Geochem Health/Springer. 2019; 41 : 1037-1053

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    6. The role of specific inflammatory mediators in keratinocyte function and wound healing. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2018. End Date: 2019.

    7. The role of IL-6 receptor in irritant dermatitis. CDC. Start Date: 2013. End Date: 2017.

    8. Modulation of Inflammatory Mechanisms Underlying Chronic Pain of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Prevention and Treatment. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2015. End Date: 2016.

    9. Molecular mechanisms of chronic pain and its modulation by posttraumatic stress disorder and Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ. DOD. Start Date: 2011. End Date: 2015.

    10. Dermatological Effects of Gulf Oil. NIH. Start Date: 2012. End Date: 2014.

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Awards and Honors

                                                                                            1. OUHSC. OUHSC President's Associates Professorship. Date: 2017.  

                                                                                            2. OUHSC. Provost's Junior Faculty Research Award. Date: 2005.  


                                                                                            1.  Degree: Ph D. Washington State University. Date: 1995.  

                                                                                            2.  Degree: BA. Central Washington University. Date: 1987.  

Administrative Assignments


    1. Role: Director. Scope: College. Description: Oversee the graduate programs within the College of Pharmacy. Date: 2023.