1. Role: Director. Scope: College. Description: Oversee the graduate programs within the College of Pharmacy. Date: 2023.
Randle Gallucci, Ph.D.

Professor/Director of Graduate Programs
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Phone (405) 271-6593 x47188
Fax (405) 271-7505
Office CPB 333
Email randy-gallucci@ouhsc.edu
The research in my laboratory primarily focuses on the positive and negative roles that inflammatory cytokines play during the repair or restoration of injured tissues. I am currently investigating these effects in both skin and liver utilizing both in vivo and in vitro models. The purpose of these studies is two-fold: 1) to elucidate the mechanism of, and identify factors involved in, the transcriptional or post-transcriptional regulation of genes modulated by various pro-inflammatory cytokines, and 2) to determine if any of these pro-inflammatory mediators may be useful therapeutically. To investigate the former, we have employed a variety of techniques including, Luminex Multiplex assay, flow cytometry, and RNAseq. Therapeutic studies have involved the reconstitution of wound healing in models of chronic wounds such diabetic and specific gene knockout mice.
Publications & Presentations
- 1. Wilson A P, Moshal K S, Franca A P, Ramani S, Gallucci R, Chaaban H, Burge K Y. Analyzing efficiency of a lentiviral shRNA knockdown system in human enteroids using western blot and flow cytometry. STAR Protocols/Cell Press. 2024
2. Yucesoy B, Gallucci R. Systems Biology in Immunotoxicology. Elsevier Ltd. 2024 : 559-581
3. Dib P, Zhang Y, Schalo I, Durand C, Ihnat M, Gallucci R, Standifer K M. TNF-α initiates allodynia and anxiety-like symptoms in a preclinical model of PTSD and co-morbid pain. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology . 2021; 12 : 721999
4. Luckett-Chastain L R, King C J, McShan M, Gipson J R, Gillaspy A F, Gallucci R. Loss of Interleukin-6 Influences Transcriptional Immune Signatures and Alters Bacterial Colonization in the Skin. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021; 6
5. Kemp J M, Luckett L R, Calhoun K N, Frempah B, Schartz T R, Harty L E, Kemp P M, Gallucci R. Evaluation of skin irritation following weathered crude oil exposure in two mouse strains. Toxicology and Industrial Health/SAGE. 2020; 36 : 11
- 1. The role of CCR3 in keratinocyte function. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2024. End Date: 2025.
2. The Macrophage/Tuft Cell Axis in SUCNR1 Sensing of Extracellular Succinate in Neonatal Intestinal Inflammation. NIAID. Start Date: 2023. End Date: 2025.
3. Experimental and computational studies to identify optimal conditions for immune-cytotoxic combination therapy. State Agency. Start Date: 2022. End Date: 2024.
4. Nephrotoxic mechanisms of low-rank coal (lignite) leachates in drinking wate. NIH. Start Date: 2020. End Date: 2023.
5. Effect of end-toxemia on colchicine plasma levels. ACCP. Start Date: 2022. End Date: 2022.
Awards and Honors
- 1. OUHSC. OUHSC President's Associates Professorship. Date: 2017.
2. OUHSC. Provost's Junior Faculty Research Award. Date: 2005.
- 1. Degree: Ph D. Washington State University. Date: 1995.
2. Degree: BA. Central Washington University. Date: 1987.