Peter N. Johnson, Pharm.D., BCPPS, FPPAG, FCCM, FASHP

Professor of Pharmacy Practice

Pharmacy Clinical & Admin Sci

Phone (405) 271-2730

Fax (405) 271-6750

Office O'Donoghue Research Bldg; 1122 NE 13th St., Ste. 4415, OKC 73117



  • President's Associate Presidential Professor
  • Director, PGY2 Pediatric Pharmacy Residency
  • Director, Pediatric Pharmacotherapy Degree Option

Publications & Presentations

    141. Johnson P N. Patient 69: A 31 year old man with newly diagnosed hypertension. 2004 : 207-209

    142. Johnson P N, Smith K M. Low-molecular-weight heparin use in special populations. Orthopedics. 2004; 27 : 1245-8


    1. Evaluation of caffeine dosing regimens and the impact of developmental pharmacokinetics in neonates with apnea of prematurity. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2020. End Date: 2021.

    2. Characterization of fentanyl metabolic and renal elimination pathways in children less than two years of age. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2018. End Date: 2020.

    3. Development of a dose-exposure response relationship for detection of opioid tolerance in critically-ill children receiving fentanyl continuous infusions. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2015. End Date: 2017.

    4. Development of a dose-exposure response relationship for detection of opioid tolerance in critically-ill children receiving fentanyl continuous infusions. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2015. End Date: 2017.

    5. Comparison of amikacin pharmacokinetics in neonates pre- and post- a dosing protocol change. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2014. End Date: 2015.

Awards and Honors

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                                                                                            6. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Fellow (FASHP). Date: 2021.  

                                                                                            7. American Association for Colleges of Pharmacy. Walmart Scholar Mentor (for Laura Salemi). Date: 2020.  

                                                                                            8. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. President's Associates Presidential Professorship. Date: 2019.  

                                                                                            9. American College of Clinical Pharmacy Pediatric Pharmacy Practice and Research Network. Outstanding Practitioner Award. Date: 2018.  

                                                                                            10. American Association for Colleges of Pharmacy. Walmart Scholar Mentor (for Katy Stephens). Date: 2018.  

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                                                                                            1.  Degree: PGY2 Pediatric Pharmacy Residency. Kentucky Children's Hospital and University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center. Date: 2006.  

                                                                                            2.  Degree: PGY1 Pharmacy Residency. University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center. Date: 2005.  

                                                                                            3.  Degree: PharmD. University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy. Date: 2004.  

                                                                                            4.  Degree: BS. University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy. Date: 2002.  

Administrative Assignments

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