1. Role: Dean. Scope: College. Date: 1969.
Melissa S. Medina, Ed.D.

Pharmacy Office of the Dean
Phone (405) 271-6484 x47299
Fax (405) 271-3830
Office CPB 134
Email Melissa-Medina@ouhsc.edu
My research focuses the scholarship of teaching and learning. One area of interest is on evaluating outcomes of faculty, resident, and graduate student teaching development programs. A second area of interest is on exploring the impact of curricular and course design, active learning strategies, and assessment methods on students’ knowledge, skill, and attitude development. A third area of interest is on the influence of doctor of pharmacy programmatic design and assessment on helping students attain program outcomes.
Academic Awards
2020 Best SOTL Publication Award for the publication, "Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Students,"
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Social and Administrative Sciences Section
July 2020David Ross Boyd Professorship
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
May 2020Advisor of the Year
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Student Government Association
April 2020Robert K. Chalmers Distinguished Pharmacy Educator Award
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
2018Exemplary Service Award
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Teachers of Pharmaceutics Section
2017Distinguished Teaching Scholar Award
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
2016Regent's Award for Superior Teaching
The University of Oklahoma
April 2015Presidential Professorship
The University of Oklahoma, President's Associates
April 2012Publications & Presentations
- 96. Medina M. Assessing student performance during experiential rotations. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2008; 65 : 1502–1506
97. Medina M, Medina P J, Wanzer D S, Wilson J E, Er N, Britton M L. Use of an audience response system (ARS) in a dual-campus classroom environment. Am J Pharm Educ. 2008; 72 : 38
98. Medina M. Providing feedback to enhance pharmacy students’ performance. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2007; 64 : 2542–2545
99. Medina M. Teaching self-concept and self-esteem in a clinical communications course. Am J Pharm Educ. 2006; 70 : 99
no results
Awards and Honors
- 21. OUHSC College of Pharmacy. P4 Class Teacher of the Year. Date: 2009.
22. Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society. Rho Chi Honor Society. Date: 2009.
23. OUHSC College of Pharmacy. P4 Class Teacher of the Year. Date: 2008.
24. Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society. Rho Chi Faculty Member of the Year. Date: 2008.
25. OUHSC College of Pharmacy Alpha Epsilon Chapter. Phi Lambda Sigma Outstanding Faculty Member. Date: 2005.
- 1. Degree: EDD. Rutgers University Graduate School of Education. Date: 2006.
2. Degree: MA. Rutgers University Graduate School of Education. Date: 1996.
3. Degree: BA. Rutgers University - Rutgers College. Date: 1993.
Administrative Assignments
2. Role: Associate Dean. Scope: College. Description: Oversee work related to OUCOP PharmD Program Accreditation; College strategic planning and annual committee charges, course and student assessment, creating and delivering faculty development workshops, faculty teaching evaluation, delivery and assessment of the co-curriculum. Date: 2015.
3. Role: Director. Scope: University. Description: Director of Preparing Future Faculty for OUHSC campus graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Date: 2005.
4. Role: Dean. Scope: College. Description: Serving as Interim Dean starting Sept 1, 2023 at the retirement of JoLaine Draugalis. Date: 2023.
5. Role: Assistant Dean. Scope: College. Description: Assistant Dean for Assessment and Evaluation. Date: 2007.