Lourdes G. Planas, RPh, PhD, FAPhA

Associate Professor

Pharmacy Clinical & Admin Sci

Phone (405) 271-6878 x47294

Fax (405) 271-6430

Office CPB 243

Email Lourdes-Planas@ouhsc.edu


Dr. Planas teaches biostatistics, drug literature evaluation, and sociobehavioral aspects of medication use. She uses qualitative and quantitative research methods to assess medication optimization interventions in community pharmacy and primary care practice settings. She works with Latinx and other underserved communities to advance health literacy and patient engagement in cardiovascular health, diabetes, and vaccinations. Dr. Planas has conducted scholarship of teaching and learning on the development of problem-solving and communication skills among student pharmacists.

Publications & Presentations

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    1. Unni E J, Planas L G, Irwin A N, Young H N, Gannavarapu P P, Nagel-Edwards K, Barner J C, QuiƱones-Boex A C, Blakely M L, Clark M A, Devraj R, Suda K J, Thomas T F, Warholak T. Gender equity perceptions among pharmacy practice faculty in pharmacy academia. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. In Press

    2. Zelnicek T D, Sewell H E, Planas L G, Skaggs J C, Lim J, Johnson C E, O'Neal K S. Assessing current knowledge of hearing impairment with diabetes by surveying providers with CBDCE certification. Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care. 2025; 51(1) : 110-119.

    3. Planas L G, Unni E J, Barner J C, Thomas T F, Devraj R, QuiƱones-Boex A C, Blakely M L, Clark M A, Irwin A N, Moore T S, Nagel-Edwards K, Suda K J, Zgarrick D, Young H N, Nau D P, Warholak T. Gender equity perceptions among social and administrative sciences pharmacy faculty: an AACP-APhA task report. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2024; 88(11) : 101301.

    4. Ogunsanya M E, Wagner J L, Bennett K, Medina M S, Starnes S, Planas L G. Debate as an Active Learning Pedagogy among Pharmacy Students in a Public Health Course. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2024; 88 : 100724

    5. Sewell H E, Planas L G, Brown Jr M R, Orcutt N, Johnson C E, Lim J, Skaggs J C, O'Neal K S. Diabetes and hearing impairment: Knowledge, attitudes, and practices among providers and patients. Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care. 2024; 50(3) : 201-210.

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    11. Evaluation of a hypertension medication therapy management program among HMO enrollees with diabetes. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2005. End Date: 2007.

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Awards and Honors

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                                                                                            6. University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy. Educator of the Year Finalist. Date: 2018.  

                                                                                            7. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Walmart Scholar Mentor. Date: 2017.  

                                                                                            8. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Outstanding Student Organization Advisor of the Year. Date: 2017.  

                                                                                            9. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Outstanding Registered Student Organization. Date: 2016.  

                                                                                            10. American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Pharmacy Practice & Management. Presentation Merit Award. Date: 2016.  

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                                                                                            1.  Degree: Ph D. University of Florida. Date: 2001.  

                                                                                            2.  Degree: BS. Xavier University of Louisiana. Date: 1990.  

Administrative Assignments

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