Paul M. Boylan, Pharm.D., BCPS

Associate Professor
Pharmacy Clinical & Admin Sci
Phone (405) 271-6878 x 47255
Fax (405) 271-6430
Office CPB 239
Publications & Presentations
- 1. Mishima Y, Townsend G, Clifton S, Butt A, Vandyck K, Boylan P, Tanaka K. Andexanet-induced heparin resistance in cardiac surgery - a rapid review of case reports and series. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2025
2. North A, Skrepnek G H, Boylan P. Medication Therapy Problems Identified on Hospital Discharge in Older Adults Living with COPD Requiring Home Health Care: A Cross-Sectional Study. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2025; 82 : S2357
3. Boylan P, Moore B. A commentary on: Respiratory Syncytial Virus-related Community Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations and Novel Diagnostics: A Binational Prospective Cohort Study. PracticeUpdate. 2024
4. Boylan P, SantibaƱez M, Thomas J, Weeda E, Noel Z, Caballero J. Cannabinoids for obstructive sleep apnea: a systematic review. Pharmacotherapy. 2024; 44 : 880-891
5. Foote D, Miller J L, Skrepnek G H, Neely S, Harrison K, Boylan P. Montelukast deprescribing in outpatient specialty clinics: a single center cross-sectional study. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy. 2024; 17 : 100509
- 1. Patterns of Care, Outcomes, and Barriers to Treatment Success or Vaccination Associated with Adult Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Medicaid. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2021. End Date: 2022.
Awards and Honors
- 1. ACCP Education and Training PRN. Top Poster - American College of Clinical Pharmacy Virtual Poster Symposium 2022. Date: 2022.
2. ACCP Adult Medicine PRN. Top Original Research Project - American College of Clinical Pharmacy Virtual Poster Symposium 2022. Date: 2022.
3. OU College of Pharmacy. 2022 Educator of the Year. Date: 2022.
4. Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society. Honorary Faculty Member. Date: 2021.
5. OUCOP Dept of Pharmacy: Clinical & Administrative Sciences. 2021 Most Collegial Faculty Member. Date: 2021.
- 1. Degree: Certificate. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Date: 2022.
2. Degree: PGY2 Transitions of Care Residency. Nova Southeastern University College of Pharmacy. Date: 2017.
3. Degree: PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency. Reading Hospital. Date: 2016.
4. Degree: PharmD. Wilkes University. Date: 2014.
Administrative Assignments
no results
External Connections and Partnerships
- 1. Type: Speaker. Org: American College of Clinical Pharmacy. City: Dallas. State: TX. Ambulatory Care Pharmacotherapy Preparatory and Recertification Course. Date: 2024.