1. Role: Director. Scope: Department. Date: 2019.
Grant H. Skrepnek, Ph.D., R.Ph.
Pharmacy Clinical & Admin Sci
Phone (405) 271-6878 x47105
Fax (4050 271-6430
Office CPB 214
Email grant-skrepnek@ouhsc.edu
I concentrate on health economics, policy, and outcomes research involving large-scale database investigations, decision analyses, clinical trials, and survey research. From a clinical stance, I focus on studying cost, quality, and access to care across various healthcare settings concerning oncology, cardiopulmonary disease, rare conditions, and comorbidities. I am engaged in advancing the methodological approaches used within assessments of health technology, including the development of novel statistical procedures to evaluate health and economic data.
Dr. Skrepnek concentrates on health economics, policy, and outcomes research involving large-scale database investigations, decision analyses, clinical trials, and survey research. From a clinical stance, Dr. Skrepnek focuses on studying cost, quality, and access to care across various healthcare settings concerning oncology, cardiopulmonary disease, rare conditions, and comorbidities. He is engaged in advancing the methodological approaches used within assessments of health technology, including the development of novel statistical procedures to evaluate health and economic data.
Publications & Presentations
- 6. Dickson M C, Nguyen M M, Patel C, Graich S, Benson C, Cothran T, Skrepnek G H. Adherence, Persistence, Readmissions, and Costs in Medicaid Members with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder Initiating Paliperidone Palmitate Versus Switching Oral Antipsychotics: A Real-World Retrospective Investigation. Advances in Therapy. 2023; 40 : 349-66
7. Rathbun C, Lewis M M, Yuet W C, Woo S, Miller J L, Skrepnek G H. The Medication Possession Ratio as a Predictor of Longitudinal HIV-1 Viral Suppression. The Annals of pharmacotherapy. 2023; 57 : 1264-1272
8. Boylan P, Skrepnek G, Neely S. Medication therapy problems assessment within medication history objective structured clinical examinations using standardized patients versus peer actors. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2023; 6 : 354-362
9. Nguyen M M, Dickson M C, Skrepnek G H. Medicaid Value-Based Contract (VBC) in autoimmune diseases involving tumor necrosis factor. Oklahoma Health Care Authority. 2022
10. Nguyen M, Dickson M C, Skrepnek G H. Medicaid Value-Based Contract (VBC) in partial-onset seizure disorder. Oklahoma Health Care Authority. 2022
- 11. Improving the Health of Americans through Prevention and Management of Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke. Non-federal. Start Date: 2019. End Date: 2020.
12. Allergan (PI: Keast). Federal Non-NIH. Start Date: 2018. End Date: 2019.
13. Otsuka (Skrepnek/Keast PI). Non-federal. Start Date: 2018. End Date: 2019.
14. Research Fellowship. PhRMA. Start Date: 2017. End Date: 2018.
15. Development of a Predictive Model for METAVIR Fibrosis Scores for Patients Chronically Infected with Hepatitis C Virus. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2017.
Awards and Honors
no results
no results
Administrative Assignments
2. Role: Director. Scope: Department. Description: Interim Director & Director of Academic Research. Date: 2019.