Dept. of Pharmacy: Clinical & Admin Sciences

The mission of the Department of Pharmacy: Clinical and Administrative Sciences is to improve the health of the public through excellence in teaching, discovery, and service.
Department Faculty:
The Department of Pharmacy: Clinical and Administrative Sciences in the OUHSC College of Pharmacy is comprised of faculty members in pharmacy practice and the social, administrative, and behavioral sciences. Clinical faculty from diverse discipline areas including ambulatory care, cardiology, geriatrics, infectious diseases, internal medicine, and pediatrics are represented and provide patient care services on the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and Oklahoma City and Tulsa metropolitan areas. Faculty in the administrative sciences conduct research in health economics, health disparities, health outcomes, pharmacy management, and social and behavioral sciences. Faculty members in the department are recognized nationally and internationally for their clinical and scientific expertise and serve in key leadership roles within the academy and in professional organizations.
Mailing Address:
The University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy
Attn: Department of Pharmacy: Clinical & Administrative Sciences
P.O. Box 26901
Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0901
Building Location:
The University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy
1110 North Stonewall Ave, Room 206
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Point of Contact:
Jeana Sandoval, Administrative/Finance Coordinator
(405) 271-6878 ext. 47263
Fax: (405) 271-6430