1. Role: Department Chairperson. Scope: Department. Date: 2012.
R. Chris Rathbun, Pharm.D., BCPS, AQ-ID
Prof & Chair
Pharmacy Clinical & Admin Sci
Phone (405) 271-6878 x47254
Fax (405) 271-6430
Office CPB 211
Email chris-rathbun@ouhsc.edu
Research interests are centered in the area of HIV infection and include optimization of antiretroviral therapy, evaluation of novel antiretroviral agents and treatment strategies, medication adherence with antiretroviral regimens, and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics drug interactions among antiretrovirals.
Infectious diseases.
Publications & Presentations
- 6. Rathbun C, Liedtke M D, Oldham M M. Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Infection. eMedicine/Medscape. 2018
7. Durham S H, Badowski M E, Liedtke M D, Rathbun R C, Pecora Fulco P. Acute Care Management of the HIV-Infected Patient: A Report from the HIV Practice and Research Network of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Pharmacotherapy. 2017; 37 : 611-629
8. Rathbun C, Liedtke M D, Lockhart S M. HIV Infection, Antiretroviral Therapy. eMedicine from WebMD. 2017
9. Scalese M J, Herring H H, Rathbun C, Skrepnek G H, Ripley T L. Propofol-associated QTc prolongation. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety. 2016
10. Liedtke M D, Tomlin C R, Skrepnek G H, Farmer K, Johnson P N, Rathbun C. HIV pharmacist's impact on inpatient antiretroviral errors. HIV Med. 2016
- 11. Clinical Pharmacy Services. HHS. Start Date: 2017. End Date: 2017.
12. Development of a dose-exposure response relationship for detection of opioid tolerance in critically-ill children receiving fentanyl continuous infusions. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2015. End Date: 2017.
13. Development of a dose-exposure response relationship for detection of opioid tolerance in critically-ill children receiving fentanyl continuous infusions. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2015. End Date: 2017.
14. HIV Adherence Services. State Agency. Start Date: 2016. End Date: 2017.
15. Clinical Pharmacy Services. HHS. Start Date: 2016. End Date: 2016.
Awards and Honors
- 6. PharmD Class. Pioneer Award for Excellence in Clinical Instruction. Date: 1996.
7. Rho Chi Honor Society (Gamma chapter)Certificate of Recognition for Promotion of Scholastic Excellence. Date: 1995.
8. Rho Chi Honor Society (Gamma chapter)Certificate of Recognition for Promotion of Scholastic Excellence. Date: 1994.
9. PharmD Class. Pioneer Award for Excellence in Clinical Instruction. Date: 1994.
10. Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity. Distinguished Faculty Brother. Date: 1993.
- 1. Degree: BS. University of Minnesota, Duluth. Date: 2005.
2. Degree: Infectious Diseases Fellowship. University of Texas at Austin. Date: 1991.
3. Degree: PharmD. University of Minnesota, Mpls-St. Paul. Date: 1989.
Administrative Assignments
2. Role: Department Vice-Chair. Scope: Department. Date: 2011.