Grant H. Skrepnek, Ph.D., R.Ph.


Pharmacy Clinical & Admin Sci

Phone (405) 271-6878 x47105

Fax (4050 271-6430

Office CPB 214



I concentrate on health economics, policy, and outcomes research involving large-scale database investigations, decision analyses, clinical trials, and survey research. From a clinical stance, I focus on studying cost, quality, and access to care across various healthcare settings concerning oncology, cardiopulmonary disease, rare conditions, and comorbidities. I am engaged in advancing the methodological approaches used within assessments of health technology, including the development of novel statistical procedures to evaluate health and economic data.


Dr. Skrepnek concentrates on health economics, policy, and outcomes research involving large-scale database investigations, decision analyses, clinical trials, and survey research. From a clinical stance, Dr. Skrepnek focuses on studying cost, quality, and access to care across various healthcare settings concerning oncology, cardiopulmonary disease, rare conditions, and comorbidities. He is engaged in advancing the methodological approaches used within assessments of health technology, including the development of novel statistical procedures to evaluate health and economic data.

Publications & Presentations

    46. Keast S, Skrepnek G H, Nesser N. State Medicaid Programs Bring Managed Care Tenets to Fee for Service. Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy. 2016; 22 : 145-8

    47. Keast S, Nesser N, Skrepnek G H. State Medicaids bring managed care tenets to fee-for-service. JMCP. 2016

    48. Altyar A, Kordi L, Skrepnek G H. Clinical and Economic Characteristics of Emergency Department Visits Due to Acetaminophen Toxicity. BMJ Open. 2015

    49. Sun D, Abraham I, Slack M, Skrepnek G H. Emergency Department Visits in the United States for Pediatric Depression: Estimates of Charges and Hospitalization. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2015; 21 : 1003-1014

    50. Altyar A, Kordi L, Skrepnek G H. Clinical and economic characteristics of emergency department visits due to acetaminophen toxicity in the USA. BMJ open. 2015; 5 : e007368


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    16. Research Fellowship. PhRMA. Start Date: 2016. End Date: 2017.

    17. Hepatitis C Evaluation. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2015. End Date: 2016.

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Awards and Honors

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Administrative Assignments


    1. Role: Director. Scope: Department. Date: 2019.


    2. Role: Director. Scope: Department. Description: Interim Director & Director of Academic Research. Date: 2019.