Academic Appeals Board (elected)
The Board shall consist of an equal number of faculty and students and operate under the policies and procedures given in the Faculty Handbook of The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. The purpose of the Board is to hear and resolve disputes concerning the academic evaluation of students.
The College shall elect three members of the Board from each academic department from which to derive 2-3 members to serve on a given Board; an elected faculty member will continue until they have been called to serve upon an activated Board or become ineligible (resignation, retirement, administrative appointment).
An election shall be held whenever a vacancy occurs. Students shall be appointed by the Dean from a slate recommended by the Pharmacy Student Executive Council whenever it becomes necessary to activate a Board.
- Faculty: Randy Gallucci (chair); Susan Conway; Wendy Galbraith; Anne Kasus-Jacobi; Jamie Miller; Motolani Ogunsanya and Vibhuti Agrahari.
- Students: Hannah Horton (P-2); Micah Byrne (P-3); Ty Davenport (P-3); Mason Garza (P-4); Vanessa Richey (P-4); Moriah Willis (P-4).
- Administrative Support: Trish Wilhelm, Jennifer Richardson
Academic Standing Committee
This Committee shall consist of at least five faculty members, the associate dean of pharmacy student affairs (ex officio) and the associate dean for academic affairs (ex officio).
The primary functions of the Committee are as follows:
- Review the academic performance of all professional students each academic term and take appropriate action regarding those students;
- Hear and act on petitions from students who request variation from any academic policy; and
- Review and recommend changes in policies pertaining to academic retention, progression, and awards.
- Faculty: Randy Gallucci (Chair), Shanjana Awasthi, Kiya Bennett, Lucila Garcia-Contreras, Grant Skrepnek, Mike Smith, Jane Wilson
- Administrative Support: Trish Wilhelm, Jennifer Richardson
Admissions Committee
The Admissions Committee for the professional program shall consist of at least five faculty members, an alumnus, two practicing pharmacists, and four pharmacy students.
Annual Charge to the Committee:
- The Admissions Committee determines admission requirements and recommends the admission of qualified applicants to the Dean;
- reviews admissions policy and recommends appropriate changes to the Dean; and
- annually reviews effectiveness of the admissions process.
- Faculty: Katherine O'Neal (Chair); Beth Walton, Wendy Galbraith, Motolani Ogunsany, Hayley Sewell, Aditya Joshi, Mike Smith
- Students: Gloria Noelle Copeland (P-2), Nhan Vu (P-2), Ki Smith (P-3), Besada Ibrahim (P-3), Garrett Daniel (P-4), Lydia Jorgenson (P-4)
- Administrative Support: Morgan McGinely, Jennifer Richardson
Assessment Committee
The Assessment Committee shall be composed of at least five regular faculty members, the associate dean for assessment and evaluation (ex officio), at least two pharmacy professionals external to the College, and one student. The committee, in an advisory capacity, is responsible for informing the Dean of the effectiveness of the College’s various missions and goals. Specifically, the committee will evaluate the effectiveness of the professional program through reviews of didactic and experiential courses, teaching, and student achievement. Additionally, the committee will evaluate the desired outcomes of research and other scholarly activities, service, and pharmacy practice programs. The committee is expected to define and analyze objective and subjective measures of performance for all college missions. The College will use committee analyses for continual development and improvement of all its missions and goals. A committee representative will regularly present relevant assessment data findings and/or suggestions at the monthly Executive Council meetings, the College Faculty meetings, and at the curriculum committee meetings to facilitate curricular change and help close the assessment loop.
Annual Charges to the Committee:
- Using guidance and resources provided by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, evaluate existing rubrics as well as develop additional rubrics to assure quality assessment and quality advancement of all College missions.
- Continuously administer, monitor, and evaluate the College’s annual Graduate Placement Survey as well as the annual AACP Graduating Senior Survey and the other 3 AACP curriculum quality surveys (faculty, preceptor, and alumni) every four years (next administration is 2026). Communicate findings from the surveys to the faculty on an annual basis.
- Monitor and evaluate annual NAPLEX and/or MPJE results, as well as explore the utility of preparation programs and/or practice exams for P4 students, including selecting a test(s) and administration dates and providing students with feedback (e.g. test report card) about their performance. Explore where NAPLEX/MPJE blue prints may have a role in courses or in the curriculum
- Outline which courses can share rubrics and determine how to electronically tag the rubrics (such as in P4 seminar), in order to capture performance-based assessments and areas of the curriculum not assessed with multiple-choice test questions.
- Explore the utility and feasibility of adding an OSCE prior to rotations to assess APPE readiness by addressing when and in which course it would be offered.
- In conjunction with the Office of Experiential Education, explore and pilot the use of the AACP five-level entrustment scale to evaluate EPAs in full time faculty CORE IPPEs and college-delivered CORE APPEs.
- Evaluate new curriculum and testing tagging reports using the new COEPA educational outcomes.
- Faculty: Paul Boylan (Chair), Wendy Galbraith, Vincent Dennis, Jordan Perrine, Lauren Sinko, Teresa Lewis, Michael Ihnat, Donoven Kim, Jamie Miller, Misty Miller, Lourdes Planas, Melissa Medina, Mike Smith, Mary Shreffler (OU Medical Center)
- Students and Residents: Madison Bose (P2), Christina Cox (P2), Mitchell Wallis (P3), Taylor Fallin (PGY2), Avery Parman (PGY2), Hunter Stout (PGY2), Nichole Krug (PGY2)
- Curriculum Committee Liaisons: Melissa Medina, Misty Miller
- Administrative Support: Luanne Janke, Stephen Neely, Trish Wilhelm, Amy Williams
Awards and Scholarships Committee
This Committee shall consist of at least 6 faculty members, drawn from all departments; the majority will have been appointed to a college or school of pharmacy for at least four years. Furthermore, at least three of the members should be course coordinators of courses given during the initial three years of the curriculum and at least one member should be a faculty advisor for a student activity group in the college.
Annual Charge to the Committee: Determine the recipients for the Mosier Scholars Program, the Merit Scholarship Program, the Senior Awards Program, and other awards forwarded to the Committee by the Dean. The Committee may request information about student performances from the faculty, from student organizations, and from the Office of Student Affairs:
Committee Members: Teresa Lewis (Chair), David Hawkins, Tammy Lambert, Kristen Mason, Wendy Galbraith , Mike Smith
Administrative Support: Trish Wilhelm
Curriculum Committee
Membership of the Curriculum Committee shall consist of at least six faculty members, an alumnus, two students, one practicing pharmacist, and the associate dean for academic affairs (ex officio). The primary functions of the Committee include:
- Implementing the professional curriculum policy approved by the faculty;
- Providing ongoing evaluation and development of the professional curriculum and recommendations for updating it to the faculty;
- Fostering the highest quality experiential education in the professional program and specifically to review and recommend policies, standards, and development of practice sites, preceptors, and students;
- Assessing the needs and utilization of technology equipment, services, and training for education in collaboration with the Assessment Committee; and
- Cooperating with the Graduate Affairs Committee in the appropriate coordination of the professional and graduate curricula. A committee representative will regularly present relevant findings and/or suggestions at the monthly Executive Council meetings and the college faculty meetings.
A Committee representative will regularly present relevant findings and/or suggestions at the monthly Executive Council Meetings and the College Faculty meetings.
Annual Charge to the Committee:
- Review all core professional courses at least every three years per curriculum committee policy, specifically during this academic year review the P-2 professional curriculum using a revised committee review form and process to evaluate areas such as active learning and to disseminate review results to close the loop between the curriculum committee and the course coordinators.
- As needed, review and make recommendations concerning proposals for new elective courses, such as OU Norman electives, changes to existing courses, and curriculum innovations.
- Monitor the status and implementation of the 2019-2020 plan for Interprofessional Education (IPE) expansion and any additional IPE activities added to the didactic curriculum that include physician prescribers and their students. Also, working with the assessment committee, monitor the analysis of assessment data evaluating student achievement of learning outcomes associated with IPE activities.
- Continue the module coordinators meetings chaired by the Associate Dean for Assessment and Evaluation. Expand the group to include Pharmacy Practice Courses 1-5 coordinators. Assess the use of integrated cases that include content related to the integration of clinical and pharmaceutical sciences content, Pharmacist Patient Care Process and Interprofessional Education.
- Faculty: Misty Miller (Chair), Shanjana Awasthi, Tammy Lambert, Katy Stephens (OU Medical Center), Susan Conway, David Hawkins, Melissa Medina, Mike Smith, Vibhuti Agrahari, Julia McElyea, Taylor Zelnicek, Mike McShan, Corey Guidry, Beth Resman-Targoff, Keith Swanson
- Students: Andee Allen (P2), Andrew Dickey (P2), Zeeshn Karim (P3), Braydon Moore (P3), Katie Farmer (P4), Moriah Willis (P4)
- Residents: Ashley Benedict (PGY1), Mattie Morgan (PGY1), Monica Le (PGY1), David Foote (PGY1)
- Practitioner: Aubrey Jones (OU Medical Center)
- Assessment Committee Liaison: Melissa Medina, Paul Boylan
- Administrative Support: Stephen Neely, Amy Williams
Curriculum Committee Ad Hoc Committees
- Ad hoc committee charge: Evaluate the required number, types, and length of APPE rotations that P4 students complete according to ACPE Standard 13.4, 13.6, and 13.7 and Guidance document items 13d.-f. Recommendations can affirm the current structure or provide alternate considerations for the quantity/duration of required APPEs (i.e. 4, 5, 6, or 8 weeks) to support optimal skill development for entry-level graduates to meet current and future practice needs.
- Ad hoc committee members: Susan Conway (chair), Katherine O'Neal, Keith Swanson, Nick Schwier, Alice Kirkpatrick, Jamie Miller, Kiya Bennett, Vince Dennis (Ex Officio), Mike Smith (Ex Officio)
2.Ad hoc committee charge: Review and recommend revisions for the remediation process for the Doctor of Pharmacy degree program
- Review current remediation process for required didactic courses in the Doctor of Pharmacy degree program, and identify issues of concern (including financial impact on students) that have emanated from the process.
- Review current remediation processes pertaining to didactic courses of other Health Professions Colleges with professional doctorate programs on HSC Campus.
- In consultation with HSC Legal Counsel for the College of Pharmacy, propose revisions to the existing remediation process OR develop and propose a new standardized remediation process for didactic courses in the Doctor of Pharmacy degree program.
- Present findings and conclusions to the Dean for her review and consideration.
- Present finalized remediation process to faculty with expectation the process will be effective in Summer Term 2020.
- Members: Michael Smith (chair), Nathan Shankar, Randy Gallucci, Jane Wilson, Nicholas Schwier
Executive Council
The Executive Council, which meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month from 9-10:30 a.m., shall consist of the dean; assistant and associate deans; department chairs and vice chairs; directors; a faculty member representative for each department, each elected to a two-year term; and the president of the pharmacy student council.
The purpose of the council is to serve as an advisory body to the dean and as a source of input into administrative decision making; to facilitate cooperation among the departments, and to maintain accountability within the College.
The council addresses issues of an interdepartmental nature, advises on goals and priorities for the college including the College Strategic Plan and Self-Study progress, ensures effective utilization of College resources, discusses problems common to the separate units, disseminates operating information to the faculty and staff, and serves other functions as considered important. The committee is directly responsible for devising plans and making recommendations for the allocation of resources of the College and departments. The Senior Leadership Team, consisting of the dean, assistant and associate deans, and department chairs and vice chairs will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 9-10 a.m. to provide the vehicle for communication and decision making in between meetings of the Executive Council.
Annual Charge to the Committee:
- Subcommittee chairs will review OU COP strategic plan progress and updates on a monthly basis, as per the schedule below:
- Education (Melissa Medina): April 2018, Nov. 2018, March 2019
- Research & Scholarship (Anne Pereira): May 2018, Dece. 2018, April 2019
- Pharmacy Practice & Professional Service (Vince Dennis and Jill Shadid): Oct. 2018, Feb. 2019, May 2019
- Infrastructure (Mike Smith) and Advancement (Rex Urice): May 2018, Dec. 2018, April 2019
- Faculty and Staff Development (Eric Johnson, Kelly Standifer, Chris Rathbun): Sept. 2018, Jan. 2019, May 2018
- ACP Accreditation Self-Study chair will provide updates at each meeting and discuss any pertinent issues.
- All executive council members will participate in a book club discussion on the book: The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace by Chapman & White, 2012. The scheduled chapters and discussion months are: September (ch 1 & 2); October (ch 3); November (ch 4 & 5); December (ch 6 & 7); February (ch 8 * 9); April (ch 10 * 11); May (ch 12, 13 & 14).
Members: Melissa Medina (Chair), Eric Johnson, Vincent Dennis, Vibhu Awasthi, Susan Conway, Mike Smith, Randy Gallucci, Chris Rathbun, Jamie Miller, Nathan Shankar, Kelly Standifer, Wei Yue (2 year term ends 9-2025), Tammy Lambert (2 year term ends 9-2024), Ty Davenport (PSC President)
Administrative support: Rita Pierce
- Subcommittee chairs will review OU COP strategic plan progress and updates on a monthly basis, as per the schedule below:
Graduate Affairs Committee
This Committee shall consist of at least five graduate faculty members and one graduate student in pharmaceutical sciences. A majority of the members shall be faculty with authority to chair doctoral committees. The Committee will be chaired by a full member of the graduate faculty.
Annual Charge to the Committee:
- Oversee the following aspects of the graduate programs in the College of Pharmacy:
- management of faculty membership
- recruitment of graduate students
- development of graduate program policies and procedures
- management of annual reviews or grievances for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows by responsible subcommittee per policy
- evaluation and response to external reviews of graduate programs
- management and coordination of post-doctoral fellows and their programs
- Review graduate student handbooks for all programs and modify as needed.
- Review college strategic planning regarding graduate education, assessing progress towards stated goals and identifying areas of deficiency with plans for improving them.
- Develop and implement an exit survey and follow-up process for students graduating from the graduate degree program.
- Review research awards for graduate students.
- Faculty: Nathan Shankar (Chair), Vibhudutta Awasthi, Randle Gallucci, Michael Ihnat, Chris Rathbun, Grant Skrepnek, Motolani Ogunsanya
- Students: JoLerin Chastain (postdoc), Laura Tidmore (grad), Matt Dickson (grad), Ruhul Kayesh (grad)
- Administrative Support: Paula Meder
Basic Sciences Subcommittee Charges:
- Conduct annual review of graduate students in basic sciences.
- Assist with graduate admissions.
- Assist with approval and conduct of General Examination.
- Subcommittee Members: Wei Yue (chair), Randy Gallucci, Kelly Standifer
Social and Administrative Sciences Subcommittee Charges:
- Conduct annual review of the extramural sources for Graduate Assistant positions for the academic year and make assignments.
- Annually review availability of Teaching Assistant positions in consultation with the Dean's Office.
- In consultation with PharmCAS Department Chair, make TA assignments as appropriate on bi-annual basis (i.e. prior to start of fall and spring semesters)
- Assist with graduate admissions.
- Conduct annual review of graduate students in SAS.
- Subcommittee Members: Grant Skrepnek (chair), Motolani Ogunsanya, Mike Smith
- Oversee the following aspects of the graduate programs in the College of Pharmacy:
Research Affairs Committee
This Committee shall consist of at least five faculty members and the majority of members should have funded research projects. The committee assimilates research needs and directions for the College, and manages the College Seed Grant Program. The Committee will be chaired by the Associate Dean for Research.
Annual Charge to the Committee:
- Determine common needs of College of Pharmacy researchers
- Promote and manage the COP Internal Seed Grant Program
- Provide educational/informational brown bag sessions
- Suggest new areas of research that the College should consider and
- propose new instrumentation that will keep the research conducted in the College on the “cutting edge”
- Faculty: Anne Pereira (Chair), Vibhu Awasthi, Peter Johnson, Anne Kasus-Jacobi, Kevin Farmer, Mandy Sharpe, Nathan Shankar, Grant Skrepnek
- Fellow: Sean Lim
- Students: Christina Bulkley (grad), Asif Chowdhury (grad)
- Administrative Support: Paula Meder
Residency Review Committee
This Committee consists of a minimum of five faculty members, including all faculty members actively directing a resident or fellow. The main purpose of this Committee is to foster the highest quality residency and fellowship programs.
Annual Charge to the Committee:
- Review and recommend policies for residency program management, including standards for and development of practice sites, preceptors, and residents.
- Coordinate scheduling of activities common to all programs (e.g., orientation, resident rounds, teaching learning experience, research learning experience).
- Manage accreditation reviews and all correspondence with the Commission on Credentialing of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- Faculty: Jamie Miller (Chair), Vince Dennis, Kiya Bennett, Peter Johnson, Ashley Teel, Misty Miller, Ashley Fox, Nick Schwier, Teresa Truong, Katherine O'Neal
- Administrative Support: Melissa Marshall
Professional Practice Plan (elected)
This Committee shall be elected and function in accordance with the approved Professional Practice Plan of the College of Pharmacy.
Annual Charge to the Committee:- Manage the PPP under the guidance provided by the OUHSC policies and additional specific policies for the College of Pharmacy.
Members: Keith Swanson (9-2019), Teresa Lewis (9-2020), [voting] (9-2021) -
Promotion and Tenure Committee
The Promotion and Tenure Committee shall consist of all tenured faculty members in the College of a rank equal to or higher than the rank for which the candidate is being considered. In the case of tenure-only decisions, the Committee shall consist of all tenured faculty.
The Promotion Committee for non-tenure track faculty shall consist of all regular faculty members in the College of a rank equal to or higher than the rank for which the candidate is being considered.
The Committee shall be chaired by an appointee of the dean. The dean and department chair provide letters of recommendation concerning the candidate and shall not participate in the faculty vote.
Annual Charge to the Committee:
- Prior to the committee meeting, review committee member expectations regarding voting responsibilities and attendance at meetings, the definition of Team Science activities and expectations in the evaluation of faculty dossiers for promotion and/or tenure, what it means to 'abstain' and when it is appropriate to use, and what it means to vote via proxy and when it is appropriate to use versus mandatory attendance at Committee meetings.
Members: Nathan Shankar (Chair)
Faculty membership defined per faculty by-laws for each candidate considered.
Administrative Support: Rita Pierce
Committees 2023-2024
College committees are appointed by the dean in consultation with the Executive Council. It shall be a general policy of the College of Pharmacy that committee membership will be drawn from the general faculty. Charges assigned to committees are created to align in supporting the College Strategic Plan initiatives, as well as meeting standards for professional degree program accreditation. All committees (and similar representative bodies) shall submit to the dean or designees an annual report by June 30 of each year. Other interim reports may be requested as necessary to facilitate effective management of college affairs.
Standing Committees under Faculty Bylaws
The chair of each standing committee shall be a general faculty member and appointed by the dean unless otherwise specified by university policy. A majority of each committee shall consist of regular faculty with representation from all academic departments unless another composition is specified by university policy.
Other College Committees
Lectures Committee
Annual Charge to the Committee:
- Using established guidelines, administer all aspects of the sponsored lectureship programs of the College.
Members: Lourdes Planas (chair), Motolani Ogunsanya, Mike McShan, Beth Resman-Targoff, Sue Woo, Wei Yue
Administrative Support: Rita Pierce
Criminal Background Review Committee (CBRC)
Annual Charge to the Committee:
- The CBRC will review each referred criminal background checks of conditionally accepted applicants and enrolled students.
- The committee will determine the potential impact that any adverse findings might have on the conditionally accepted applicant’s ability to be fully admitted into the college or to complete the program, if admitted.
- The committee will also determine the potential impact that any adverse findings might have on an enrolled student’s ability to complete or remain in the program.
- The committee will follow the Procedures for Reviewing Criminal Background Checks (Appendix C, Criminal Background Checks Policy for Current Students and Conditionally Accepted Applicants) in the OUHSC Faculty Handbook.
- The CBRC must consist of at least the following University employees: Academic Dean, Student Affairs Dean, and one member from the college’s Admissions Committee.
Members: Jane Wilson (Chair); Michael Smith, Katherine O'Neal
Operational Groups
An operational group is established for pharmacy professional service units and is comprised of a minimum of three faculty members. A major criterion for membership on an operational group is that the individual possesses specific expertise needed to improve the operation of the unit.
The main responsibility of an operational group is to assure that the unit meets its respective contractual and professional obligations and makes significant contributions to the educational and/or research programs of the College.
Operational Group for Nuclear Pharmacy
Annual Charge to the group: Explore other areas of involvement that could generate revenue.
Members: Vibhu Awasthi (chair), G.T. Dolan, Hari Gali, Eric Johnson, Kevin Rinaldi, Jill Shadid, Kelly Standifer
Operational Group for Pharmacy Consultants
Annual Charge to the Group:
- Investigate the feasibility of potential revenue generating programs.
- Prioritize possibilities, and then develop one proposal for implementation with the dean’s review and approval.
Members: Eric Johnson (chair), Bethany Holderread, Michael Hines, Kevin Farmer, Kevin Rinaldi, Grant Skrepnek, Michael Smith
Operational Group for Poison Control Center
Annual Charges to the Group: Determine potential avenues of scholarship, prioritize them, and implement one during this academic year. Explore long-term and alternative funding sources for the center.
Members: Kevin Rinaldi (chair), Eric Johnson, Jamie Johnson, Scott Schaeffer
Operational Group for Outpatient Pharmacies and Clinical Services
Annual Charges to the Group:
- Identify alternative revenue generating sources (such as increasing services offered).
- Explore specialty-type initiatives that can be delivered (such as the Pharmacist Care Center).
- Explore specific approaches to marketing services and initiatives. Investigate ways to capture more prescriptions and increase prescription volume (such as delivery services, extended business hours, etc.).
- Review cost of goods sold and current contracts. Investigate partnership possibilities (such as other state agencies that purchase drugs).
Members: Jill Shadid (chair), Eric Johnson, Michael Hines, Katherine O'Neal, Beth Walton, Markita Broyles (OU Pharmacist)