Julia McElyea, Pharm.D., BCACP

Clinical Assistant Professor
Pharmacy Clinical & Admin Sci
Phone 405-271-6878 X47823
Office CPB 241
Email julia-mcelyea@ouhsc.edu
Publications & Presentations
- 1. Young J P, Zelnicek T, Guidry C, Hong J, Le J, El Rassi E, Boylan P. Dupilumab to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review. Biologics (Basel). 2025; 5
2. McElyea J P, Perrine J, Guidry C. De-Prescribing Strategies for Proton Pump Inhibitors. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants. 2024
3. McElyea J, Bistransin K, Bana S, Snackey Alvarez K, Brown L, Persaud D, King H. Impact of a Clinical Pharmacist within an HIV PrEP Program for Patients Experiencing Homelessness. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2022
4. McElyea J, Sam B, Hollingsworth H, Chamberlain C, Brown L. The Effect of Patient Opioid Education on Opioid Use, Storage, and Disposal Patterns. Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy. 2022; 36 : 11-17
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Awards and Honors
- 1. PLS Honor Society. Honorary Member of the Phi Lambda Sigma Honor Society. Date: 2024.
- 1. Degree: Certificate Education. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Date: 2023.
2. Degree: PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency . Parkland Health. Date: 2022.
3. Degree: Certificate Education. Texas Tech University of Health Sciences Center, College of Pharmacy . Date: 2021.
4. Degree: PGY1 Pharmacy Residency . Parkland Health. Date: 2021.
5. Degree: PharmD. University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy. Date: 2020.
Administrative Assignments
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