Corey M. Guidry, Pharm.D., BCPS
Assistant Professor
Pharmacy Clinical & Admin Sci
Phone (405) 271-6878 x 47824
Fax (405) 271-6430
Office CPB 213
Publications & Presentations
- 1. Young J P, Zelnicek T, Guidry C, Hong J, Le J, El Rassi E, Boylan P. Dupilumab to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review. Biologics (Basel). 2025; 5
2. McElyea J P, Perrine J, Guidry C. De-Prescribing Strategies for Proton Pump Inhibitors. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants. 2024
3. Boylan P, Perrine J, Guidry C, Neely S. Estimating tiotropium wasted doses after adding revefenacin to an inpatient formulary: a single-center cross-sectional study . Hospital Pharmacy. 2024; 59 : 353-358
4. Guidry C, Jackson B T, Hawkins W A. Layered learning: eight precepting strategies for the new attending pharmacist. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2022
5. Guidry C, Medina M, Harrison K, Schwier N C. The other side of "challenging learners": Strategies for teaching and precepting the overachiever and high performer. American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. 2022; 79 : 17-22
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Awards and Honors
- 1. OU College of Pharmacy. Class of 2024 Educator of the Year - Nominee. Date: 2024.
2. The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Faculty Leadership Program Fellow. Date: 2023.
3. OU College of Pharmacy. Class of 2023 Educator of the Year - Nominee. Date: 2023.
4. The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Educators for Excellence. Date: 2023.
5. The Rho Chi Society - Gamma Chapter. Alumni Honor Roll. Date: 2023.
- 1. Degree: PharmD. University of Louisiana at Monroe. Date: 2018.
2. Degree: BS. University of Louisiana Monroe. Date: 2015.
3. Degree: BS. Louisiana State University. Date: 2014.
Administrative Assignments
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