Katherine S. O'Neal, Pharm.D., MBA, BCACP, CDES, BC-ADM, AE-C, CLS, FADCES


Pharmacy Clinical & Admin Sci

Phone 405-271-6878 x47241

Fax 405-271-6430

Office CPB 235

Email katherine-oneal@ouhsc.edu


Specialties: Internal medicine, Ambulatory care/diabetes

Clinical Practice: Diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, asthma, migraine

Professor; Sam K. Viersen Family Foundation Presidential Professor; PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency Program Director; Ambulatory Care Degree Tract Option Director

Certifications & Licenses

Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacist

Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties


Board Certified Advanced Diabetes Management


Certified Asthma Educator


Publications & Presentations

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    31. Crosby K, O'Neal K. Prevention of Sun-Induced Skin Disorders. 2017

    32. O'Neal K, Crosby K. Skin Hyperpigmentation and Photoaging. 2017

    33. Johnson J, O'Neal K, Pack C, Carter S. Barriers to patient use of control solution for glucose meters: Survey of patients, pharmacists, and providers in a metropolitan area. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2017; 11 : 553-557

    34. Matta T M, O'Neal K S, Johnson J L, Carter S M, Lamb M M, Planas L G. Interventions to improve dissemination and implementation of hepatitis B vaccination in patients with diabetes. J Am Pharm Assoc . 2017; 57(2) : 183-7.

    35. Sharpton R, Condren M, McIntosh H, Lloyd A, O'Neal K. Do cystic fibrosis patients on azithromycin need electrocardiogram monitoring?. Pulmon Pharmacol Therap. 2017; 43 : 55-56

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    1. Diabetes and hearing impairment: Knowledge, attitudes, and practices among providers and patients. ASHP. Start Date: 2022. End Date: 2023.

    2. ECG Monitoring in patients with CF receiving azithromycin therapy. Federal Non-NIH. Start Date: 2016. End Date: 2016.

    3. A literacy Sensitive Approach to improving antibiotic understanding in a community based setting. ACCP. Start Date: 2014. End Date: 2015.

    4. Effectiveness of an educational intervention on the caring behaviors and referral activities of community pharmacists for migraine patients. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2010. End Date: 2013.

    5. Evaluation of Merck’s Headache School: A Quasi-Experimental Examination of Effectiveness. Misc Non-Federal. Start Date: 2010. End Date: 2013.

Awards and Honors

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                                                                                            1.  Degree: PharmD. University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy. Date: 2008.  

                                                                                            2.  Degree: MBA. University of Tulsa. Date: 2004.  

Administrative Assignments

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    11. Role: Director. Scope: University. Description: OU Physicians Internal Medicine ADA Accredited Diabetes Educator Program Director. Date: 2011.

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