Melissa S. Medina, Ed.D.


Pharmacy Office of the Dean

Phone (405) 271-6484 x47299

Fax (405) 271-3830

Office CPB 134



My research focuses the scholarship of teaching and learning.  One area of interest is on evaluating outcomes of faculty, resident, and graduate student teaching development programs.  A second area of interest is on exploring the impact of curricular and course design, active learning strategies, and assessment methods on students’ knowledge, skill, and attitude development.  A third area of interest is on the influence of doctor of pharmacy programmatic design and assessment on helping students attain program outcomes.

Academic Awards

2020 Best SOTL Publication Award for the publication, "Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Students,"

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Social and Administrative Sciences Section

July 2020

David Ross Boyd Professorship

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

May 2020

Advisor of the Year

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Student Government Association

April 2020

Robert K. Chalmers Distinguished Pharmacy Educator Award

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy


Exemplary Service Award

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Teachers of Pharmaceutics Section


Distinguished Teaching Scholar Award

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy


Regent's Award for Superior Teaching

The University of Oklahoma

April 2015

Presidential Professorship

The University of Oklahoma, President's Associates

April 2012

Publications & Presentations

    71. Medina M, Britton M L, Letassy N A, Dennis V C, Draugalis J R. Incremental development of an integrated assessment method for the professional curriculum. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013; 77 : 122

    72. Medina M, Yuet W C. Promoting academic integrity among health care students. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2013; 70 : 754–757

    73. Medina M, Draugalis J R. Writing a teaching philosophy: an evidence-based approach. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2013; 70 : 191–193

    74. Draugalis J R, Medina M. Module 1 - Developing a Teaching Philosophy to Guide Teaching/Learning in Health Professions Education. Education Scholar on-line faculty development module. 2012

    75. Medina M, Bouldin A S, Gonyeau M, Kissack J C, Maldonado W T, Melchert R B, Moukhachen O, Plaza C M. Report of the 2011-2012 Academic Affairs Standing Committee: the evolving role of scholarly teaching in teaching excellence for current and future faculty. Am J Pharm Educ. 2012; 76 : S5


no results

Awards and Honors

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                                                                                            1. AACP/AJPE. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Rufus A. Lyman Article of the Year for the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Date: 2023.  

                                                                                            2. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Social and Administrative Sciences Section 2020 Best SOTL Publication of the Year. Date: 2020.  

                                                                                            3. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. AACP Distinguished Teaching Scholars Award. Date: 2016.  

                                                                                            4. Rutgers Graduate School of Education Delta Chi Chapter. Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society. Date: 2004.  

                                                                                            5. Rutgers Graduate School of Education Delta Chi Chapter. Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society. Date: 1996.  

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                                                                                            1.  Degree: EDD. Rutgers University Graduate School of Education. Date: 2006.  

                                                                                            2.  Degree: MA. Rutgers University Graduate School of Education. Date: 1996.  

                                                                                            3.  Degree: BA. Rutgers University - Rutgers College. Date: 1993.  

Administrative Assignments


    1. Role: Dean. Scope: College. Description: Serving as Interim Dean starting Sept 1, 2023 at the retirement of JoLaine Draugalis. Date: 2023.


    2. Role: Associate Dean. Scope: College. Description: Oversee work related to OUCOP PharmD Program Accreditation; College strategic planning and annual committee charges, course and student assessment, creating and delivering faculty development workshops, faculty teaching evaluation, delivery and assessment of the co-curriculum. Date: 2015.


    3. Role: Director. Scope: University. Description: Director of Preparing Future Faculty for OUHSC campus graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Date: 2005.


    4. Role: Assistant Dean. Scope: College. Description: Assistant Dean for Assessment and Evaluation. Date: 2007.


    5. Role: Director. Scope: College. Description: Director of Instructional Sciences and Assessment. Date: 2000.